The Salon industry is arguably one of the most prepared industries for dealing with infection control and the safe ty of clients and stylists. Salons are already highly regulated for cleanliness, sanitation and proper licensing through the Arizona State Board of Cosmetology. Salons are Required to be in compliance with OSHA guidelines and are subject to inspection.
Here are the existing safety and sanitation practices as well as any additional
guidelines that have been added due to COVID 19.
*Only EPA- Registered disinfectants are used, and are Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral
*Multi-use items are to be sanitized between each client (Scissors, Clippers, neck trimmers, etc)
*Single-use Items such as towels and combs are not re-used until proper cleaning and sanitation procedures can be performed.
*Stations and shampoo bowls are disinfected prior to use.
*A new cape is used on each client and are not re-used until proper cleaning and sanitation procedures can be performed.
*All common surfaces are wiped down through out the day and after each client.
*Stylists wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer between clients.
*Hand washing station is also available for client use.